
3167 — Water Thermal Storage Tank: Part 1 — Basic Design Concept and Storage Estimation for Multi-Connected Complete Mixing Tanks

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988



Theoreticai development and a practical design process, accompanied with easy-to’apply data, are introduced in three parts for some representative and practical types of water, thermal storage tanks. The first of these reports describes basic design concepts, system composition and controls, characteristics of the most popular multi-connected complete mixing tanks, and the practical estimation table of storage efficiencies of this type of water thermal storage tank. One of the most important facts about storage efficiency is that it depends mainly upon the characteristics of HVAC system controls and the supply setting as well as the return water temperature. The most specific approach for preparing the estimation table is in the application of “design of experiment,” which results in a statistically confident prediction of storage efficiency and other performance indexes.

Units: SI

Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, 1988, vol. 94, pt. 2, Ottawa

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