
ASME B30.5-2014

Original price was: $92.00.Current price is: $46.00.

Mobile and Locomotive Cranes
standard by ASME International, 12/31/2014



Within the general scope defined in Section I,American National Standard B30.5 applies to crawlercranes, locomotive cranes, wheel-mounted cranes, andany variations thereof that retain the same fundamentalcharacteristics. The scope includes only cranes of theabove types that are basically powered by internal combustionengines or electric motors. Side boom tractorsand cranes designed for railway and automobile wreckclearance, digger derricks, cranes manufactured specificallyfor, or when used for, energized electrical line service,knuckle boom, trolley boom cranes, and craneshaving a maximum rated capacity of one ton or less areexcluded.

Special adaptions to the general types of machinescovered by this Volume, where applicable, fall underthis scope.

Some basic machine types within this scope are usedalternatively for lifting service and for applications notconsidered to be lifting service. All of the requirementsof this Volume are applicable to such machines whenused for lifting service. However, at a minimum,Section 5-1.11, Chapter 5-2, and Section 5-3.1 of thisVolume apply to machines when used in other thanlifting service.

Product Details

9780791869406, 9780791871362
ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 2.7 MB
Redline File Size:
2 files , 8.6 MB