
BIFMA X5.9-2004

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $55.00.

American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Storage Units
standard by Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association, 2004



Tests include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections test methods and performance requirements for freestanding, mobile, and wall-mounted storage units. Where a product may be covered by more than one ANS/BIFMA standard, the manufacturer shall determine which standard provides most appropriate test conditions. Vertical files shall only be tested under X5.3 Vertical Files – Tests. This standard specifies acceptance levels to help ensure reasonable safety and performance independent of construction materials, manufacturing processes, mechanical designs, or aesthetic designs. These tests are not intended to assess a product that has been in use. The intention of this standard is to describe the means of evaluating function and safety of storage units without restricting construction materials, manufacturing processes, or mechanical and aesthetic design. The acdeptance levels herein are based on the actual field and test experience of BIFMA International members.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 1.2 MB