
BS PD ISO/TS 16780:2015

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Water quality. Determination of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN). Method using gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS)
standard by BSI Group, 08/31/2015



BS PD ISO/TS 16780:2015 specifies a method for the determination of polychlorinated naphthalenes(PCNs), where “poly” means “mono” to “octa”, in waters and waste waters [containing less than 2 g/lsolid particulate material (SPM)] using high resolution gas chromatography-high resolution massspectrometry (HRGC?HRMS).

NOTE 1 The congeners analysed by this method are listed in Table 1.

The working range of the method is 20 pg/l to 8 ng/l. The method is optimized for PCNs, but canbe modified to include other coplanar compounds such as polychlorinated dioxins and furans(PCDDs/PCDFs) and dioxin-like tetra- to heptachlorinated biphenyls (dlPCBs). This method can be usedto determine PCNs in other matrices (e.g. biota, sediments, air); however, additional clean-up steps andtechniques can be necessary for samples with high organic loadings. Low resolution mass spectrometry(LRMS) and mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry (MS?MS) can be used.

NOTE 2 LRMS and MS?MS conditions are summarized in Annex A.

Both LRMS and MS?MS can be less selective than HRMS and there is a possibility of bias due tointerfering compounds if these techniques are used.

The detection limits and quantification levels in this method are dependent on the level of interferencesas well as instrumental limitations.

NOTE 3 The minimum levels (ML) in Table 4 are the levels at which the PCNs can typically be determined withno interferences present.

This method is performance based. The analyst is permitted to modify the method, e.g. to overcomeinterferences, provided that all performance criteria in this method are met.

NOTE 4 The requirements for establishing method validation or equivalency are given in Clause 9.

Cross References:
ISO 3696
ISO 5667-1
ISO 5667-3
ISO 8466
ISO 11923
ISO 17858
ISO 18073
ISO/TS 13530
ISO/IEC 17025

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 1.4 MB
Same As:
ISO/TS 16780:2015
Product Code(s):
30320353, 30320353, 30320353
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