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ISO 9000 Interpretations
Interpretation / Commentary by CSA Group,



This is the first edition of CSA Special Publication PLUS 9014, ISO 9000 Interpretations. It is a compendium of interpretations given on the ISO 9000 family of Standards and approved by the CSA Technical Committee on Quality Management (TC on QM).

The ISO 9000 family of Standards was developed by quality experts from around the world, under the auspices of the Internationa l Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 176. Canada plays a major role in this area. The technical committee is chaired by a Canadian. The Secretariat of ISO/TC 176 is held by CSA on behalf of Canada’s member body in ISO, the Standards Council of Canada.

Canadian stakeholders participate actively in the administration and development of the ISO 9000 and ISO 10000 family of International Standards, through CSA’s forum for national consensus in the development of Standards. The CSA Technical Committee on Quality Management is the source of Canadian experts and public input for the ISO 9000 and ISO 10000 Standards. In its capacity as the Canadian Advisory Committee to ISO/TC 176 (CAC/ISO/TC 176), the Technical Committee is responsible for (a) developing and submitting coordinated Canadian responses, comments, and voting actions on ISO/TC 176 documents; (b) developing and submitting Canadian proposals for new international work items; (c) recommending the Canadian delegates to participate in internationa l meetings of ISO/TC 176, its Subcommittees and Working Groups; and (d) recommending the Canadian position for delegates to take in international meetings.

The CSA TC on QM supports these adopted National Standards of Canada on a continuing basis, providing interpretations, updates and revisions, reaffirmations or withdrawals, as appropriate for Canadian stakeholders.

May 1998

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1 file , 820 KB