
NFPA (Fire) 160

Original price was: $57.00.Current price is: $28.50.

Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience, 2016 Edition
standard by National Fire Protection Association, 06/15/2015



Protect audience members, performers, operators and property with the 2016 NFPA 160: Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience.

Flame effects are popular entertainment in permanent installations such as theme parks, as well as for temporary use in traveling shows. Yet they pose potentially deadly fire and life safety hazards to the audience, support personnel, performers, the operator, and assistants — along with fire protection hazards to the property.

Widely referenced across the United States, NFPA 160: Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience provides the latest criteria for the design, fabrication, installation, testing, control, operation, and maintenance of any installation where flame effects are used.

The 2016 edition of NFPA 160 helps everyone involved with flame effects — from the designer to the installer, maintainer, and AHJ:

  • Added requirements for the use of hybrid flame effects coordinate with NFPA 1126: Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience, to eliminate an area of confusion for Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) as well as designers and maintainers of the installation.

The latest edition of NFPA 160 is a must for flame effects operators, special effects operators, venue managers, and enforcing officials.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages: