
NFPA (Fire) 495

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $31.50.

Explosive Materials Code, 2010 Edition
standard by National Fire Protection Association, 01/04/2010



Control hazards when handling explosives by following the up-to-date safety provisions in the 2010 NFPA 495.

NFPA 495: Explosive Materials Code identifies reasonable levels of safety for the manufacture, transportation, storage, sale, and use of explosive materials, including blasting agents, water gel and emulsion materials, smokeless propellants, black powder propellants, and small arms ammunition. It does not apply to transportation of such material used for military purposes or when under jurisdiction of the federal government.

Key 2010 Code changes that explosives manufacturers; small arms manufacturers, distributors, or retailers; or enforcers such as fire and building officials need to know about include:

* Updated definitions for consistency with changes in federal regulatory provisions
* New requirement that a security plan must be provided as part of the permitting process for explosive materials
* Clarified that certain provisions of the code were not applicable to handloading of small arms ammunition for personal use.
* New rule requires hazard analyses to be performed as part of manufacturing processes.
* New requirement allows the use of quantitative-risk-assessment (QRA) in cases where the quantity-distance (Q-D) requirements cannot be met.
* Recognizing the use of QRA, changes were made permitting the siting of explosive magazines to be based on QRA in addition to the traditional American Table of Distances.
* New section on site control addresses the added aspects of site security.
* Materials of construction for explosives magazines were added to expand the list of permitted materials.
* Modified quantity limits for display or storage of certain small arms primers classified by DOT as 1.4S.

Don’t take unnecessary risks. Order the 2010 NFPA 495 today and protect lives and property by working with the best safety strategies for explosives

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