
QC-06-068 – Use of First Law Energy Balance as a Screening Tool for Building Energy Data, Part I—Methodology

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2006



This paper presents a new methodology for screeningmeasured data from buildings where heating, cooling, andelectricity consumption are separately recorded. It definesenergy balance load (EBL) as the difference between the heatingrequirements plus the electric gains in the building and thecooling coil loads. It then applies first law energy balance inconjunction with the concepts of analytical redundancy, trendchecking, sensitivity, and uncertainty analysis to develop amethodology using measured values of EBL to identify baddata. This paper is the first part of a two-part series; it presentsthe theoretical basis for the methodology and illustrates its useon samples of measured building data. In part two, a programthat was created to automatically pre-screen the measuredbuilding energy consumption data by utilizing EBL methodologyand case studies will be introduced.

Citation: ASHRAE Trans., vol. 112, pt. 2, paper no. QC-06-068, p. 717-731

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