
Seminar 2 — Portable Combustion Analyzers: Accurate? Are Standards Needed?


Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2015



This product is a PDF that contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp4) as noted.

Portable combustion analyzers (PCAs) are used to measure the efficiency,reliability and safety of fuel-burning equipment, such as boilers.Their popularity has grown as combustion systems become more complex,energy audits more common and IAQ a greater concern. How accurate arethese instruments, particularly for high efficiency appliances? This seminarreviews how the PCAs work, their built-in assumptions and what the datareported means. Practical guidelines for PCA use are presented, includingcalibration methods, sampling techniques and interpretation of readings.Finally, this seminar describes how PCAs are used in Europe, whereperformance standards have been established.

Portable Combustion Analyzers: How They Work, What TheyMeasure and What It Means
Thomas Butcher, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, Brookhaven NationalLaboratory, Upton, NY
Product Contains: Slides (pdf), Audio (mp3), Recorded Presentation (mp4), Recorded Presentation (flv)

Getting the Most from Portable Combustion Analyzers
Marko Bruinsma, Member, Testo, Inc., Sparta, NJ
Product Contains: Slides (pdf), Audio (mp3), Recorded Presentation (mp4), Recorded Presentation (flv)

Use of Portable Combustion Analyzers Across the Pond
Jonathan Kane, Kane International, Welyn Garden City, United Kingdom
Product Contains: Slides (pdf), Audio (mp3), Recorded Presentation (mp4), Recorded Presentation (flv)

Run Time: 60 minutes

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recordings, 2015 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA

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