
Seminar 40 — Facebook and Social Media: Guidelines and Best Practices for Groups

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $24.50.

Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2016



This product contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.

Social media is always changing and evolving, with new sites andtools being added constantly. With so many options, how does onedetermine which tool or site will work best for their group or business? This presentation covers best practices of some of the most commonsocial media forums (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagramand YouTube) with emphasis on social media tools for ASHRAEchapters. Learn some dos and don’ts for using social media to marketyour group and increase your online presence.

  • Facebook and Social Media
    Heather Schopplein, P.E., Member
  • Facebook and Social Media: Guidelines and Best Practices for Groups
    Pamela Duffy, P.E.

Run Time: 60 mins.

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recordings, 2016 ASHRAE Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recordings, 2016 Annual Conference, St. Louis, Mo

Product Details

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1 file , 140 KB
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