
Seminar 49 — ASHRAE's Residential Initiative: Why We Care


Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2017



This product contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.

Although ASHRAE historically has not focused on residential HVAC energy use, the residential sector consumes at least as much energy as the commercial sector, and approximately one-fifth of all primary energy in the United States. Three Presidential Fellows will present on ASHRAE’s recent endeavors into the residential sector. The session covers how the Residential Ad Hoc Committee became the newly established Residential Building Committee, what purpose the RBC serves, and the importance of residential design in ASHRAE standards, including Standard 100, 62.2, 55, and ICC/ASHRAE Standard 700. They also summarize ASHRAE’s residential market advocacy efforts with government agencies.

  • Getting Our House in Order
    William Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E., Presidential Fellow ASHRAE, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
  • ASHRAE Standards in the Residential Sector
    Gordon V. R. Holness, P.E., Fellow Life Member, Consulting Engineer, West Palm Beach, FL
  • ASHRAE’s Advocacy in the Residential Market
    Thomas H. Phoenix, P.E., Member, Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates, Greensboro, NC

Run Time: 90 mins.

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recordings, 2017 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV

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